The First GenAI for Financial Data Engineering

prompt your way to
Endless Financial Insights

Captide unleashes boundless potential in investment research through NLP-powered financial data processing
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01 Investment Research
Refine your financial data gathering and processing with ease. Simply input prompts to unlock structured financial insights and conduct comprehensive company analyses.
Market, fundamental & sentiment data
Built-in feature engineering
Save dynamic insights for future use
Integrate saved insights through API
02 Financial Modeling
Build and refine dynamic financial models or indicators with plain language, creating forecasts or valuations that adjust to real-time insights.
Input saved or new financial insights
Build in natural language, blocks or python
Integrate model results through API
Monitor model outputs
03 Dynamic Reporting
Create dynamic research reports that update as the market evolves. Integrate your saved dynamic insights and models for seamless continuous relevance.
Connect real time insights or model outputs
Redact with NLP assistance
Input conditional text depending on variables
Benefit from fact-checkers for increased factuality